Slots - Huuuge Casino: Slot Machines


Slots - Huuuge Casino: Slot Machines

Installs coming through countries other than those that the offer is currently running in will be flagged 

-Installs that comes within 10 seconds and less from the click might be rejected -Installs coming through App Versions that are 3 versions older that the latest available on the 1st of each month will be flagged. If the total flagged installs is more than 5% of overall installs (on site ID level), these installs with old app versions can be rejected 

-Installs coming in later than 6 hours from the click. If Site IDs get flagged with more than 70% not achieving this time frame, all installs might be subject to rejection -After optimization.

Slots - Huuuge Casino: Slot Machines Slots - Huuuge Casino: Slot Machines Reviewed by Quality Products on November 28, 2017 Rating: 5
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